Friday, November 27, 2009

The Magic Gardens... Los Jardines Magicos

We chose to get married at the Magic Gardens because it seemed to be the perfect mix of our interests and cultures. We wanted to support local business and the arts in Philadelphia.
We also like that Isaiah and Julia Zagar have spent their lives beautifying Philly with their art. Recently their son, Jeremiah Zagar, directed a documentary film on a part of their lives called In a Dream. It has shown on HBO, and you can now rent the DVD from NetFlix. It is sort of a sad flick, but it does show how Isaiah goes about making his beautiful mosaics.

This is a photo with the artist, Isaiah Zagar on the wedding day.

The following information is taken directly from Philadelphia's Magic Gardens website.

Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens is a folk art environment, gallery space, and nonprofit organization that showcases the work of mosaic artist Isaiah Zagar… The installation…covers half a city block... A walk through the labyrinth will reveal sculptures from Latin America and Asia, bicycle wheels from a local South Street bicycle shop, Zagar’s hand-made tiles, and mirrors.

Zagar has devoted himself to beautifying the South Street neighborhood since the late1960s, when he moved to the area with his wife Julia. The couple helped spur the revitalization of the area by purchasing and renovating derelict buildings, often adding colorful mosaics on both their public and private walls.

Zagar started working on the Magic Gardens in 1994 in the vacant lot nearby his studio. He began by constructing a massive fence to protect the area and then spent the next 14 years excavating tunnels and grottos, sculpting multi-layered walls, and tiling and grouting the 3,000 square foot space. The installation pays tribute to Zagar’s many artistic influences, as well as the events and experiences of his life… and also references important elements of the wider world – Las Pozas and Day of the Dead and the dance community of Philadelphia...

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